A cyclist at night outside King's Cross London, UK. Photograph: Ashley Cooper/Alamy
The Department for Transport (DfT) has launched a new campaign for cyclist safety on the roads which, in summary, tells us: look, why can't everyone just get on?
That's something of a parody, as despite its distinctly fluffy official title – "Let's all look out for each other" - the campaign from the DfT's Think! road safety arm has, at its heart, an eminently sensible message, and one I and many other on this blog have long argued.
The DfT's point is that it's silly and divisive to discuss "cyclists" and "drivers" as if they're separate species. As the campaign points out, according to the National Travel Survey 80% of cyclists have a driving licence while one in five drivers ride a bike at least once a month.
Stephen Hammond, the Tory MP who took over as road safety minister in the recent reshuffle from the reliably hapless Mike Penning, has been wheeled out to provide equally sensible quotes to the effect that everyone had better get used to more cyclists being on the roads, what with the oft-cited "Wiggins effect" and all that.
That's something of a parody, as despite its distinctly fluffy official title – "Let's all look out for each other" - the campaign from the DfT's Think! road safety arm has, at its heart, an eminently sensible message, and one I and many other on this blog have long argued.
The DfT's point is that it's silly and divisive to discuss "cyclists" and "drivers" as if they're separate species. As the campaign points out, according to the National Travel Survey 80% of cyclists have a driving licence while one in five drivers ride a bike at least once a month.
Stephen Hammond, the Tory MP who took over as road safety minister in the recent reshuffle from the reliably hapless Mike Penning, has been wheeled out to provide equally sensible quotes to the effect that everyone had better get used to more cyclists being on the roads, what with the oft-cited "Wiggins effect" and all that.
The DfT's new safety poster
First, the praise: it's great that the DfT are trying to highlight
cycle safety, and it's a very good idea to highlight the false divide
between cyclists and drivers, which the poster released today does very
well. On that point, when in this post I refer to "drivers" or
"cyclists", read it as "humans who happen to be driving/cycling at that moment and are not necessarily defined by it and use other forms of transport on other occasions".
inevitably, the quibbles. Firstly, while a campaign using such tactics
can hardly avoid dishing out advice to both drivers and cyclists – both
are given six advice points each – the inescapable fact is that when it
comes to incidents in which cyclists get seriously hurt, it is drivers
who are more likely to be the problem.
The joint advice, "Look
out for each other, especially when turning", simply has that much more
resonance when you're potentially on the receiving end of half a tonne
of metal travelling at 30mph.
This is borne out by statistics. The gold standard for this argument in the UK is a 2009 study by the DfT-affiliated Transport Research Laboratory,
which studied several years of accident data and concluded that in
serious collisions involving adult cyclists, the driver was found to be
solely responsible in about 60%-75% of cases, and riders solely at fault
17%-25% of the time.
It's likely this is an underestimate of the
true picture for two reasons. Firstly, those attributing fault were the
police, who tend not to be overly pro-cyclist. Secondly, some of the
accidents were fatal, meaning, of course, only the driver's account was
Whenever cycle safety gets mentioned debate tends to be
dominated by complaints about cyclists running red lights. However
antisocial or irritating this might be – I'd say very – it's not really a
factor in this debate. The TRL statistics, which are to my knowledge by
far the best UK evidence on this subject, found that where cyclists
were seriously injured in collisions with other road users, them jumping
lights or stop signs was a contributing factor in only 2% of cases.
return to the main subject, this is arguably a pointless quibble. You
can't very well have a campaign highlighting the congruity of cyclists
and drivers while pointing the blame finger mainly at one group. But
it's worth mentioning, I think.
My second worry is more specific, and was noticed first by cycling journalist Carlton Reid on his BikeBiz website.
While the bulk of the advice to drivers in treating cyclists with
courtesy is eminently sensible stuff, one line stands out. It reads:
"Give cyclists space – at least half a car's width. If there isn't
sufficient space to pass, hold back."
Half a car's width is really
not very much. That most typical of cars, the Ford Focus, is 1.8m wide,
excluding wing mirrors. A car passing 90cm from you at 40mph – let
alone 60mph – doesn't sound like fun.
As Reid points out it also seems to go against advice to drivers in the Highway Code.
This reads: "Give motorcyclists, cyclists and horse riders at least as
much room as you would when overtaking a car." The example photo shows a
driver overtaking a cyclist with a gap of more or less a whole car's
I've asked the DfT about this and they've promised to get back to me.
overall, let's give a muted cheer for the DfT. They've even gone to the
trouble to get the heads of the RAC and AA to point out how many of
their members also cycle, and the overall message really is long
overdue: cyclists can't be dismissed or marginalised as an "other"
group. Like Mitt Romney's 47%, we're not always the people you might think.
DfT, or rather a private PR company employed by them, has answered my
query about the advice for drivers to leave "at least half a car's
width" when overtaking cyclists, as mentioned above. They say:
"It's important when you're driving to give other road users plenty of space. The Highway Code doesn't specify how much space as it's important that road users take all the circumstances into account when overtaking. However, we would expect cars to give at least half a car's space when over taking a cyclist, which is why THINK! promotes this message."
doesn't really add anything, does it? Personally, I'm a bit alarmed the
DfT seems to think about 90cm is sufficient overtaking room.
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